MARGE 17th October 2007

"YOUR GRANDMA, l'LL ALWAYS BE"! I loved each and everyone of you 13 Grandkid's with all of my heart. You kid's were "MY SWEETHEARTS". I want you kid's to know that I'm in heaven with your Grandma Phillips; and we're both doing just fine. We talk about how precious you were to us, all the time. Each and everyone of you meant the world to us, and I will love you for all eternity. Your "GRANDPA & I" adored you kid's; you were everything to us, you see. I know you kid's loved us very much, and that you miss me alot! Hold on to "OUR MEMORIES", cuz now that's all we've got. I want each of you to be happy, and to do well in life. Behave yourselves and stay out of trouble. Think of me when your chewing gum, and you blow a bubble. Marge is writing this poem for me cuz I wanted to let you kid's know how deeply I cared about each of you. I saw the pretty Birthday balloons when they came sailing through. Thank-you kid's, I'll always love you. Give your "GRANDPA" Hugs n' kiss's for me! "MERRY CHRISTMAS" To all of you. Don't forget me whatever you do, and remember, I can still see all of you. Tell your parents I loved them so much, and I'll NEVER forget their special touch! I loved all of you more then life, but now I'm in heaven with "OUR LORD & SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST". I hope this poem has helped you see that "YOUR GRANDMA" I'll always be! xoxo Love you all, Grandma Norma